Alterity, discrimination and death. Reflections from the artwork of Bernardo Oyarzún


  • Constanza Navarrete Wilder Universidad de Chile


Racism and its incessant marginalization, discrimination, and violence is something that has historically existed worldwide, especially since colonialism. However, based on certain events that have taken place recently, such as the murder of Mapuche individuals in Chile, including Camilo Catrillanca or Alejandro Treuquil, or the death of George Floyd in the United States, it becomes necessary and urgent to rethink that phenomenon. The objective of this essay is to analyze and reflect on otherness and its social consequences based on the work of the Chilean artist Bernardo Oyarzún, especially Werkén, presented at the 57th Venice Biennale in 2017. Contemporary art operates as a framework for making visible of the dark or denied areas of reality, where Oyarzún problematizes the situation of the Mapuche from the alterity that he has represented in our country, even today in the 21st century and in supposed democracy.


Bernardo Oyarzún, Contemporary art, Otherness


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