Analyzing the violence in dating relationships: The effect of psychological violence and controlling behaviors on physic and sexual violence


  • Francisco Javier Meneses Universidad de Chile
  • Anahís Herrera Universidad de Chile


Dating violence is the most common type of violence for women in Latin America, explaining its causes and forms of expression is vital to safeguard human rights. This article seeks to understand the causes of dating violence, proposing that psychological violence and controlling behaviors explain physical and sexual violence. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test the dimensionality of the dating violence in the INJUV 2015 survey, with a sample of 2445 women in dating relationships. Different theoretical models were tested, using structural equation models as a technique. The results of this research indicate that psychological violence accounts for 55.91% of the variance of sexual violence, 52.8% for physical violence and 45.3% for controlling behaviors. Based on these data, it is hypothesized that the dating violence goes through an excess of the other, which is reflected in attitudes such as ignoring the couple or invalidating their feelings or opinions.


Dating Violence, Psychological Violence, Controlling Behaviors, Physical Violence, Sexual Violence

Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Meneses, Universidad de Chile

Estudiante de pregrado de la carrera de Sociología en la Universidad de Chile

Anahís Herrera, Universidad de Chile

Estudiante de pregrado de la carrera de Sociología en la Universidad de Chile


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