Violence and Higher Education: Student Perspective of Interactions at Pre-Graduate Law School of Universidad de Chile


  • Iván Ojeda Pereira
  • Andrés Martínez
  • Roque Alfaro Navarro


Mental health in Chile has been situated as a relevant issue due to the high levels of depression, stress and anxiety that exist into the population. In that way, some parts of higher education students have problematized this reality, denouncing several negative experiences that are attributed to the minimal relevance given to mental health in university life and academic processes. The current article proposes a conceptual and empirical framework for the study of this problem, that was implemented in students coursing the Pre-Graduate Law School of Universidad de Chile. In order of that, this situation has been assumed not only as a psychological related issue, but as a deep social and situational one. The analysis results suggest that the social space, established through daily interactions, is immersed in power relationships and mediated by symbolic violence operations. In order to get an advantaged position, and to face that scene, students have developed personal presentation strategies that lead them to negative effects for mental health and social relationships.


Sociology, Higher Education, Qualitative Methods, Education, Mental Health, Symbolic Violence, University of Chile

Author Biographies

Iván Ojeda Pereira

Estudiante de Sociología de la Universidad de Chile

Andrés Martínez

Estudiante de Sociología de la Universidad de Chile

Roque Alfaro Navarro

Estudiante de Sociología de la Universidad de Chile


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