Feminism and punitivism. Analysis of the emergence of “escraches” to males in Argentina


  • Ivana Guadalupe Jancik


The "escraches" or "funas" (Call-Out) have a history in Argentina and Chile linked to the struggle against impunity of those responsible for the last civil-military dictatorships. In recent years the feminist movement has re-edited this practice and used it to publicly expose alleged perpetrators of violence against women. This paper presents the results of a research that aims to analyze this practice in Argentina. To study the problem concepts of critical and feminist criminology are collected, and data are collected through a series of qualitative methods for the social sciences, which allow to make statements about the object of study. This is an exploratory and descriptive work aimed at understanding the popularity of Feminist Call-Out and their results. It will be concluded that women's negative experiences and representations of police and justice lead them to seek other methods of protection and redress. However, this informal practice recreates many elements of state punitivism and for this reason it is important to pay attention to its future development.


Feminism, Punitivism, Call-Out, Escrache, Argentina


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