Maternity in university and social responsibility of care: A journey through experiences, subjectivities and institutional support for mother students of the University of Chile at different times in the last decade


  • Diego Álvarez Moral Universidad de Chile
  • Catalina Guerra Maldonado Universidad de Chile
  • Gonzalo Varas González Universidad de Chile
  • Karen Tapia Sepúlveda Universidad de Chile


This article makes a comparative review of three studies about mother students at the Universidad de Chile between 2009 and 2020. It analyzes four fundamental aspects: theoretical approaches to research, evolution of the institutional policies of the aforementioned university around integration of the maternal population and coresponsibility of care, characterization of family conditions and distribution of activities, and changes in the social norms of gender roles around motherhood. The panorama provided by each of the research policies indicates changes at school level, and the incorporation of heterogeneous gender identities, but also a persistence of obstacles at a structural level that hinder the conciliation between studies and childcare, and lead to the individual or family resolution of conflicts. The analysis of the changes and the constants of the daily experience of mother students provides relevant inputs for the monitoring and updating of the measures taken by the university regarding the social co-responsibility of care.


Maternity, co-responsibility, Care, Universidad de Chile


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